Abraham Maslow and "Self Actualization"

"Self-actualizing people have to a large extent transcended the values of their culture. They are not so much merely Americans as they are world citizens, members of the human species first and foremost." (Abraham Maslow, The Farther Reaches of Human Nature)

"To identify with more and more of the world, moving toward the ultimate of mysticism, a fusion with the world, or peak experience, cosmic consciousness, etc."  (Abraham Maslow, The Journals of Abraham Maslow)

"The person at the peak experience is godlike . . . complete, loving, uncondemning, compassionate and accept[ing] of the world and of the person." (Abraham Maslow Toward a Psychology of Being)

"Salvation is a byproduct of Self-Actualization Duty." (Abraham Maslow, Maslow on Management)